Registration is still available.
Please complete a registration form for each attendee using the following link:
Room block FULL at Rosen Centre, Orlando: We have exceeded our contracted room block!
Below is the recommendation the Rosen Centre:
"Attendees can certainly book a room on 03/10 and contact our reservations department directly to be added to our waitlist for 03/11. Typically, additional rooms become available as a result of cancellations and date changes. This occurs daily and more frequently the closer we get to the dates."
You may contact the reservations department using their toll-free number 1-800-204-7234 and requesting the GROUP rate for SILC CONGRESS.​
Nearby Properties
NASILC has been notified that the hotel block is now full, we have identified another hotel (Days Inn) within close proximity (0.3 miles) if you have not already made your hotel reservation. Days Inn by Wyndham Orlando Conv. Center/International Dr There may always be cancellations at the conference hotel, so feel free to keep checking back.
Rosen Centre® Hotel is just 12 minutes from Orlando International Airport.
While they do not offer shuttle service to/from the airport there are many accessible options.
Accessible transportation from airport
Mears Connect
There is a Mears Connect kiosk in the airport that has 24/7 service.
Where do I find Mears Connect at the airport?
Terminal B Level 1, Ground Transportation,
Terminal C Level 1, Ground Transportation.
Diamond Cab
Diamond Taxi only has a few wheelchair accessible vehicles and they suggest you call a day in advance to schedule a ride. 407-523-3333
Comfort Ride Taxi
Uber or Lyft apps.
Exploring around the hotel
I-RIDE Trolley
By using the International Drive Orlando's exclusive and convenient I-RIDE Trolley transportation service you can sit back and ride up and down the miles of fun that make up the International Drive Resort Area.
Who Can Ride the I-RIDE Trolley?
Everyone! Each I-RIDE Trolley seats 41 riders, 54 total capacity, including two wheelchair positions and an ADA-specified hydraulic lift system, weight limitations apply.
(Maximum weight - including passenger and vehicle - is 600 lbs., width restriction is 30" wide and height restriction is 48" length.)
The I-RIDE Trolley transportation service consists of 17 climate controlled, rubber-tired, replica trolleys.
Individual rides, daily and weekly passes available.
A fantastic blog highlighting accessibility around Orlando. From tips, to restaurants to activities… this website shares a lot of helpful information
Showcase your state -
Don't forget your state basket!
Every year at SILC Congress, states and territories gather to learn and share. Share what is unique about your state with a state basket. Whether it’s Macadamia nuts of Hawaii, Potatoes from Idaho maybe chocolate that is in the shape of spuds, Smoked salmon of Oregon or Omaha Steaks (as a gift card of course) from Nebraska. We will sell raffle tickets as a small fundraiser for SILC Congress and raffle off each basket. It is a lot of FUN and we make a little money at the same time.
Please keep in mind as you shop for items that most people will have to fit this into their existing luggage or eat it before they go.

During the odd years, Region Representatives and Alternates from even regions are elected. These positions are elected by the regions. This is also the time to fill any vacancies that may have occurred in the last year in odd regions. Please have conversations within your region, before and during the conference as to who will serve in this role. For more information about roles and responsibilities of Region Representatives please click the button below.

We will elect the following Officers:
The Membership and Nominations committee will be outlining this process shortly and we will update this post soon.
As a reminder, to be nominated or elected to an Officer or Region Representative position:
A. All Board of Directors must be the representative for their Statewide Independent Living Council.
B. SILCs must be current with membership and agree to sponsor the Directors involvement.

As a reminder – In order to serve as a Region Representative, Alternate or Officer you must be a member. Membership must be prior to the start of the Annual Meeting on March 12th to vote at the 2025 business meeting. Please renew now. For more information visit the Membership page. We will be also be able to take payments at SILC Congress.

50/50 RAFFLE
Tickets will be on sale at the registration table for the 50/50 raffle. Tickets cost $1 each. All funds gathered from the sale of the 50/50 raffle will be combined and the winner will take 50% of the total. (Prize awarded at the end of the conference. You must be present to win.)
For any questions, please email: